Intermodal Artist
Julianna Parr (aka JP) [she/her *POC/LGBTQ+/TCB] is an artist, illustrator, designer, director, writer, fabricator, puppet maker, performer, bartender, reverend, founder of the neo-enthusiast movement, purveyor of the full experience, general artistic nuisance, and a fiercely devoted romance activist.
However, my first love, my home, my solace, is in painting and drawing. The JP Emporium is a place where I make and sell self-imposed art sundries of note. For over 25 years I have worked for studios, product lines, entertainment empires, film, TV, internet, and everything in between but this: this is working for me.
If you'd like to have an art, please give one of my pieces a home, and thank you for your support.
I am dedicated to visually, culturally, and socially changing the world through creative procedures.
Part of my evil plan is running a nonprofit that cleverly tricks people into making and doing art, it's called SparkleBlob